Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Rock n' Roll

I love Rock music. It just makes me feel better, whether in a good or bad mood, if you add rock, it will improve.

If it wasn't for rock, man I don't know if I could make it. This music is therapuetic, in fact the last time that I felt a real spiritual connection was at a TOOL concert. I wonder what it would be like to hang out with MJK? I'm hoping such a meet and greet would involve some sort of social lubricant. I know the main is a vineyard, perhaps some Pinot Noir?

Probably chill and discuss MMA and cool shit. I think a lot of rock musicians would be awesome to kick it with. Lzzy Hale comes to mind immediately as she has already admitted that she partakes. Is there a connection between drugs and rock n roll? I don;'t know but I felt resistance to that and did not want to type it. 

Yeah im still taperin on down the 'Lope and its gettin interesting, luckily sleep is still on the schedule. 

Apparently I am a 2/2 Green creature that gives squirrels +1/+1.

My squrrel hasn't come back but i hope she is okay, it's funny is that I have noticed other squirrels being willing to come quite close to me, just not climb on me like my buddy did two days in a row.

Rock and Roll, I have really been into TOOL's 10,000 days recently. Vicarious might be my current favorite TOOL song, it just speaks to me, kinda like parabol/parabola. I don't think it's rock music that has a connection with drugs, i think it's MUSIC period, that has a connection to mind-altering substances or effects, they just make it sound more..........real? More material perhaps? All I know is that when you combine the two, your spirit awakes and touching the sky is possible.